Breaking News

Thursday, November 21, 2013

DailyRéalités #3

Did you know? Astronauts has to lie down near a fan to get a good night sleep in space?

Artificial gravity is created in a space station by rotating its wing-type regulatory panel in anticlockwise motion. The chambers are located at the far end of those ‘wings’. But generally speaking, if an astronaut has to sleep and wake up ‘successfully’ in the next morning, he/she needs to lie down near a fan or a well-ventilated room. Otherwise, the CO2 he/she breaths out, will form a bubble around nose and ear. The astronaut might end up having a bad headache in the morning or in the worst case scenario, he/she might die.

The fans or any ventilated room helps the oxygen supply to circulate around and make life up there, sustainable.

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