Breaking News

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DailyRéalités #1

Did you know? Our stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.


The inner surface of the stomach is lined by a mucous membrane known as the gastric mucosa. The mucosa is always covered by a layer of thick mucus that is secreted by tall columnar epithelial cells. Gastric mucus is a glycoprotein that serves two purposes: the lubrication of food masses in order to facilitate movement within the stomach and the formation of a protective layer over the lining epithelium of the stomach cavity. This protective layer is a defense mechanism the stomach has against being digested by its own protein-lyzing enzymes.

Advice from Doctors: Consume food with atleast 3 hours gap in between, it will keep your BMI at healthy level; and always take a walk after food consumption (helps in secretion of enzymes that dissolves fat).

SOURCE: Britannica

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